Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pittsburgh Loses Worst Air Ranking

The American Lung Association has released its annual "State of the Air" report and fine particulate matter is still a problem for the Pittsburgh region. Although the area no longer has the worst air quality in the U.S. particulate matter levels are still above EPA standards. Joe Osborne of GASP, the Group Against Smog and Pollution, says that while progress has been made fine particulate matter still causes adverse health affects. Osborne says that in order for Pittsburgh to continue to improve its air quality, state and local leaders need to work to develop a solid plan that reduces the levels of particulate matter by retrofitting diesel vehicles and crafting a better plan for addressing air pollution in the Liberty-Clairton area.
According to the report, Pittsburgh is now third worst in terms of daily soot pollution behind Bakersfield and Fresno, California.

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