Monday, April 5, 2010

Public Hearing Monday On Snow Storm Response

There will be a public hearing Monday at 10 a.m. to get citizens comments on the city's response to the February 5-6 storm that dumped nearly two feet of snow on the city. 72 hours after the storm had ended many city streets had not been plowed so City Council a task force to examine the delayed response.
Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak, who chairs the Task Force on Emergency Operations and Snow Preparedness, says “There are so many people who have come forward with useful and helpful information regarding the City’s snow emergency operations. We wanted to make sure that all of these people had a chance to speak on the record and contribute to the final report.”
Rudiak says for those who cannot attend the public hearing, a new website has been created where people can submit comments that will be entered into the public record at the hearing.
Rudiak says there have been more than 100 comments and people are posting helpful, constructive and respectful remarks.

In addition, Rudiak said there would be a post agenda meeting in Council the last week of April to discuss preliminary findings of the snow task force with other experts.
"I've been getting mixed cooperation (from city officials). All of us in the city, our sole objective is to be better able to respond to a snow event like the one that hit us in early February, I'm hoping we can reach full collaboration."

The final report is expected to be released on May 3 but Rudiak says it could be later.

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