Saturday, April 3, 2010

Toomey: Repealing Health Care Law "Not Realistic" Next Year

GOP Senate candidate Pat Toomey says it’s unrealistic to think Republicans can repeal the recently-signed health care law next year.

"You know, let’s face it. It’s tough to envision that we are going to have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, for instance. Even if we could take control of the Senate-- which is possible, even though it’s a tough climb – to get to 60 is not in the cards."

Toomey says even if Republicans regained both chambers of Congress and pushed a bill through, he knows President Obama would veto the measure.
Toomey says the best course is for the GOP to bide its time, and try to repeal the measure when it’s possible to do-so.
He supports the lawsuit filed by Tom Corbett and other Attorneys General.
The challenge contends the law’s health insurance mandate is unconstitutional.
He’s also convinced its taxes and regulations will cost jobs and drive up health care costs.

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