Friday, April 16, 2010

West Virgina Governor Gives Executive Order

West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin is asking that all coal mining cease on Friday April 16th. In an interview with WDUQ Manchin says he wants West Virginia's miners to spend the day working on safety issues as a way to honor the 29 men who died in an explosion in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch Mine. Manchin said there is no better way to honor the men who lost their lives than to review safety procedures. He says that any miner who sees a violation should report it and should not feel intimidated, "When you see something wrong let us know and if someone intimidates you or if you are concerned about your job call me, that won't happen." Manchin also wants inspectors to look at all the mines. He says he wants results from an investigation into the Upper Big Branch Mine to come as quickly as possible because he doesn't want to wait for 6 months before seeing a report and taking action.

Listen to Kevin Gavin's interview with Governor Joe Manchin

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