Monday, May 17, 2010

Corbett, Rohrer Exchange Barbs

The Republican gubernatorial campaign has turned negative in the final days before Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary.
Supporters of State Representative Sam Rohrer of Berks County have hammered Attorney General Tom Corbett for calling the Constitution a “living document” in April.
The phrase is often construed as coded support for judges who impose new laws from the bench.
Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, ripped into Corbett at a Harrisburg Rohrer rally.

"Those kinds of words come from somebody who does not respect for authority. Who thinks that he is the lord over it all. And there’s no way to restrain him. Anyone who believes in that living constitution nonsense is an enemy of freedom."

Corbett responded to Pratt’s attack...
"First off, I ask how many of them have served their country. As far as I know, Mr. Rohrer has never served his country in the military. To say I’m an enemy of freedom is absurd and ridiculous."
Corbett insists he’s a strict constructionist and conservative.
Acting on Corbett’s behalf, the state Republican Party distributed flyers last week attacking Rohrer for supporting the 2005 legislative pay raise and voting to increase lawmakers’ pensions.
Corbett says Rohrer isn’t a leader, arguing the Berks County representative hasn’t authored a single bill during his House tenure.

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