Monday, May 3, 2010

Gun Control Group Grades Candidates

Officials with the advocacy group CeaseFirePA say they're pleased with the Democratic gubernatorial candidates' support for gun control measures.
Joe Grace, the executive director of CeaseFirePA, says all four Democratic candidates supported a majority of the 18 reform issues they were asked about in the questionnaire.

"Two candidates are from western Pennsylvania, where it's particularly said that you can 't ever talk about gun violence prevention. And they are Jack Wagner and Dan Onorato. Both of those candidates support a majority of reforms proposed by CeasefirePA."

Those reforms include increasing penalties for the illegal possession of a handgun, requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms, and banning assault weapons.

The group graded the candidates on their support for gun issues.
Joe Hoeffel received an A, and Anthony Williams was given an A-.
Dan Onorato got a B+, while Jack Wagner received a C+.
Republican Tom Corbett was given an F, since he didn't fill out the survey. President Phil Goldsmith says he's disappointed Corbett didn't respond to the questionnaire.

"And frankly, I think it's inexcusable that here, the state chief law enforcement officer - obviously a leading candidate for governor, basically was not willing to share his views with the people."

Corbett's GOP rival, Sam Rohrer, didn't do much better, in CeasefirePA's minds - he disagrees with them on every issue, and was given a D.

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