Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Key Pennsylvania Primary Contests

Despite a couple of high profile races, voter turnout is expected to be light on this primary election day in Pennsylvania.
The polls will remain open for just about another 4 hours.
There are two nationally-watched races including the Senate Democratic Primary where voter surveys show 5-term incumbent Arlen Specter, Republican turned Democrat, is in a dead heat with Congressman Joe Sestak.
On the Republican side, former Congressman Pat Toomey is expected to be an easy winner over Peg Luksik of Johnstown.
The other contest that's getting national attention is a special election in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional district. The seat that was held by John Murtha for 34 years until, his death in February. Democrat Mark Critz, Murtha's former aide, is running against Republican businessman Tim Burns and Libertarian Demo Agoris to serve out Murtha's term. The district includes all of Greene county, and parts of six other counties. Polls show a tight race between Critz and Burns.

There is also a primary contest in district 12 featuring Democrats Mark Critz, Ron Mackell, Ryan Bucchianeri and Republcisans Tim Burns and William Russell.

After 8 years under Governor Ed Rendell, four democrats are vying for the right to represent the party in November's general election for governor. One of them is Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato. Polls indicate he is the front runner in today's Democratic primary that also includes Jack Wagner, Joe Hoeffel and Anthony Williams. On the Republican side, State Attorney General Tom Corbett is the favorite over State Representative Sam Rohrer.

WDUQ News will have election results tonight after the polls close, and we'll hear from winners and losers tomorrow during Morning Edition.

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