Thursday, May 20, 2010

Library Input Session Move Online

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh says it is still looking for your input. The library held four meeting over the weekend to take input from residents on their vision of the library’s future and how it can get there. Library Deputy Executive Director Mary Francis Cooper says 115 people came to the events. Several board members and library staff were also on hand. Cooper says the library is still taking input on its website. She says an online survey asks questions such as “Why do you think it is important that the Library is financially and operationally healthy?” and “What are the two or three things you value the MOST about Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh?” Users can also get a survey from any of the Library’s branches. Surveys will be accepted through the end of the month.

Cooper says this is only the first step in the public input process. After the survey results are compiled, the staff will take the results out for another series of public input session in July and then after processing that data, a third round of feedback will be solicited in September.

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