Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Looking Ahead, Onorato says He's Only Half Way Home

In a four-man match up in the democratic primary for governor, Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato captured more than 45 percent of the vote and he says that showing gives him the momentum he needs in the race against fellow Allegheny county native, republican Attorney General Tom Corbett. Onorato says while he understands that it’s going to be a real fight and there’s never a sure thing-- on the heels of his victory he believes he has a leg up when it comes to his rival. For one, he says he has a track record of holding the line on property taxes, has successfully run the second largest county in the state where unemployment is 2 percent below the national average. And when it comes to anti-establishment sentiment, Onorato says he is the true outsider in this contest since he functions well outside of the Harrisburg circle. Onorato also shrugged off Pennsylvania’s tradition of alternating between Democratic and Republican governors, saying he prefers the tradition where an Attorney General has never won the governorship.

Listen to Onorato's victory speech.

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