Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Onorato Shifts Focus to General Election

Gubernatorial candidate Dan Onorato says after defeating three contenders in the Democratic primary last night, he’s set to take on Republican nominee Tom Corbett.

“I’m prepared to challenge him toe-to-toe. If he wants to compare his record to my record and we leave out who’s supporting us, I’ll take that debate any day of the week,” says Onorato.

The Allegheny County Executive referred to his time at the helm of Pennsylvania’s second-largest county. Onorato says he has cut costs by consolidating elected offices from 10 to four and merging five 911 centers into one.

He noted six consecutive county budgets passed without raising property taxes, saying that his fiscal responsibility is the remedy for reform in Harrisburg. Onorato is also calling for a 20% cut in legislative costs by reducing the number of state legislators.

Onorato says he doesn’t intend to raise any taxes, with one exception: a Marcellus Shale severance tax.

“I was very clear what I would do with that money. I would fund the Department of Environmental Protection, I would fund an impact fund which would give us money for infrastructure for municipalities, roads waterlines and sewers.”

The Allegheny County Executive says he’d also set aside severance tax revenue to support farms and open space, and to clean up brownfields.

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