Friday, May 14, 2010

PA Bicycle Deaths Double from '08 to '09

16 bicyclists were killed in Pennsylvania last year, doubling the 2008 death count, says the state Department of Transportation.

“While that number may seem low to many people, that’s still 16 people that had their lives cut short,” says PennDOT spokeswoman Alison Wenger.

Wenger says by abiding by some safety tips, Pennsylvanians can hopefully reduce bicycle fatalities.

For Motorists:
• Give bicyclists space, even when there is no bike lane.
• Remember that bicycles have an equal right to the roadway as motor vehicles.
• Be cautious when passing bicyclists, as they may turn unexpectedly.

For Bicyclists:
• Equip your bike with reflectors and a horn to help motorists be aware of you.
• Follow the same traffic laws as motorists.
• Stay on the right side of the road, riding with traffic.

More information can be found at

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