Monday, May 24, 2010

Pennsylvania's Roads Rank Low

According to a report released by The American Society of Civil Engineers Pennsylvania could use some work on its infrastructure.

Of Pennsylvania’s 22,280 bridges, 27% are considered structurally deficient and 17% are deemed functionally obsolete. The state is ahead of others when it comes to dam safety but faces a required investment of $15.5 billion over the next two decades to replace aging facilities and comply with safe drinking water regulations. 38% of Pennsylvania’s roads are rated fair or poor. The group says public transit, the fastest growing mode of transportation needs more investments and that aging waste water management systems discharge billions of gallons of untreated sewage into Pennsylvania’s surface waters each year and need updating.

This is the second report released. The first one was released in 2006 after four Pennsylvania sections of ASCE joined together. Matt Pierce, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers said that in the four years since the last report card things have not gotten better.

This year’s Report Card looked at 12 areas: Bridges, Dams and Levees, Drinking Water, Navigable Waterways, Parks and Recreation, Rail, Roads, Schools, Solid Waste, Stormwater, Transit and Wastewater.

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