Tuesday, May 25, 2010

United Way: Despite Economic Challenges...Pleased With Results

Contributions to the United Way of Allegheny County 2009 Campaign were down 2.4% compared to the previous year. Bob Nelkin, president of the organization, says contributions between September and April 30th totaled $30,486,335....about $750,000 less than a year ago..."I'm still very pleased because this was despite challenges local employees had. There were layoffs, there were cutbacks, there was anxiety about whether compensation would be renewed. Despite they were very generous."

Nelkin said significantly 87% of people who contributed in 2008 and again in 2009 gave as much or more in this recent campaign. He says a nationwide survey indicated that 67% of donors to non-profits were contributing the same amount or less this year...."there's something special about Pittsburgh and its generosity."

Despite the overall decline, Nelkin says they added 27 companies, up to 725, who ran employee contribution plans and they will continue to reach out to smaller and medium size companies to join them.

Still, he says the bottom line is the impact on services..."You can raise a lot of money but still not have a great impact on the community. The United Way has been working hard with partner agencies to reshape their efforts so they get the biggest bang for the buck."

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