Monday, May 17, 2010

WDUQ Helps Voters Decide

Voting begins at 7:00am tomorrow and the most recent polls show the race for the Democratic nomination to run for US Senate between incumbent Arlen Specter and challenger Congressman Joe Sestak is too close to call. Six men are running for the Pennsylvania Governor’s office. On the Republican side PA Attorney General Tom Corbett is facing off against State Representative Sam Rohrer. Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato, PA Auditor General Jack Wagner, former PA State Representative Anthony Williams, and Former Congressman Joe Hoeffel are running on the Democratic side. Recent polls in both gubernatorial primaries show large numbers of undecided voters. In recent weeks WDUQ has intervied all of the candidates running for governor and spent a day with each of the Senate candidates in the legislative offices. Follow the links below to listen to those stories.

Arlen Specter
Joe Sestak
Tom Corbett
Sam Rohrer
Dan Onorato
Jack Wagner
Anthony Williams
Joe Hoeffel
Join WDUQ 90.5 FM election night for the latest numbers, updates from campaign headquarters and interviews with the candidates.

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