Thursday, June 24, 2010

131 Marcellus Wastewater Trucks Idled

For three days last week, Pennsylvania State Troopers targeted trucks hauling wastewater from Marcellus Shale gas drilling sites across the state. Lieutenant Myra Taylor, spokesperson for the state police, says the Marcellus drilling has led to an increase in heavy truck traffic hauling equipment and water to the drill sites and wastewater away from the wells.
Lieutenant Taylor says during Operation FracNET June 14-16, state police working with the Department of Environmental Protection, pulled over 1,137 trucks for inspection. The majority were hauling wastewater. As a result, 250 rigs were taken out of service, 131 of those were hauling wastewater, and 45 drivers were also taken off the road. In addition, 669 citations and 818 written warnings were issued. The trucks that were removed from service cannot return to the roads until safety violations are repaired.
Lieutenant Taylor says they've been working with truck operators...."in understanding what is needed should you be crossing our roadways, our highways, living in our communities, to ensure that Pennsylvanians are safe. There has been some voluntary cooperation but as you can see from the results of our operation, unfortunately there are far too many people and trucks in violation."
Lieutenant Taylor warned truck operators this will not be the last operation targeting the rigs hauling wastewater.

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