Monday, July 5, 2010

ACHD Calls for Reserve Medical Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for the local Regional Medical Reserve Corps, an emergency response group covering 13 counties in southwestern Pennsylvania.

Allegheny County Health Department spokesman Dave Zazac says the Reserve Corps is called up in times of medical emergency, like any natural or man-made disaster.

“For instance, if indeed we had an oil spill up here as opposed to down in the Gulf; if we go back to Hurricane Ivan, whenever there was flooding in certain sections of the county; other really wet-weather events perhaps at this time of year.”

You don’t need to be a doctor or a nurse to apply – Zazac says the Health Department would also need non-medical personnel to help contain crowds and provide clerical support. He says the Health Department provides free training online and in classrooms.

Reserve Corps chief Ed Schwartz says in emergency conditions, the state or federal government would cover any liability if a medical error should occur.

Southwestern Pennsylvania’s Region 13 chapter currently has 485 members. To apply, call the Health Department at 412-578-8349 or visit their website.

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