Thursday, June 24, 2010

'Active Allegheny' to Promote Biking, Walking

Allegheny County has launched an effort to encourage biking and walking.

Active Allegheny is a long-term initiative that will eventually spawn new routes for bikers and walkers. But Allegheny County Assistant Director for Transportation Initiatives Lynn Heckman says the routes won’t be simply bike paths.

“A bike path is almost like a bike trail, and it’s not really a recreation use, but multi-use trails that provide that linkage, that connection that people need to get from one place to another,” says Heckman.

She says the project is in its planning stages. Public input and a $300,000 state-funded study will help the county make a prioritized list of biking and walking projects. Heckman says some of those projects will be quick fixes while others may take a long time to finish.

A commuter survey and public hearing postings can be found online at

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