Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Conference Looks at Steel Tube Role in Shale Play

The Steel Business Briefing (SBB) is gathering about 200 executives from the steel, gas, transportation, and other industries that could benefit from Marcellus Shale drilling to look at how the tube industry can take part in the expected growth. SBB North American Tube Editor Dan Hilliard says this could be the “rebirth of the steel industry in the region.” Hilliard says each well uses between 140 and 360 tons of steel tube. There are a few companies in the region making steel tube and Hilliard says he has heard that more are considering a move to southwestern Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. On top of that, Hilliard says support industries will also be coming to the region including warehousing facilities and trucking companies. Hilliard says just keeping the tube in stock could become a problem or producers. The tube used in Marcellus drilling is not used in many other applications. The tube is consumed in the drilling, fracturing and extraction process and cannot be used again. Hilliard says, “it will be interesting to see where Pittsburgh and the local area is in 20 years as a result of this shale play.” The event begins Wednesday with a social event and then begins holding sessions Thursday morning in Pittsburgh.

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