Monday, June 7, 2010

EOG Ordered to Stop Fracking

Pennsylvania environmental officials have halted all gas drilling activities by the company which sustained a blowout at its Marcellus Shale natural gas well in Clearfield County last week. Crews Thursday night had just completed hydrofracturing the shale and were getting ready to extract natural gas, but they lost control of the well and gas and polluted water spewed out for 16 hours before the well was capped Friday at noon. Officials say at least 35,000 gallons of drilling wastewater spewed into the environment.
Governor Ed Rendell said Monday the order against EOG Resources Inc., formerly known as Enron, will remain in place until the Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP)can finish its probe and until after the company
implements whatever changes may be needed.
The order stops EOG from drilling and fracking operations. The DEP says the company is being cooperative with the investigation and is supportive of the order.

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