Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HACP To Open Fitness Center

The Housing Authority of Pittsburgh is teaming up with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police and the Western Pennsylvania Police Athletic League to open a new fitness center in Fineview. The authority will cut the ribbon on the facility in the basement of one of its the Allegheny Dwellings buildings July 1st. Authority spokesperson Michelle Jackson says the center will provide the usual workout equipment but it will also house a boxing ring and all the equipment needed to train boxers. One retired and one current Pittsburgh Police officer will run that aspect of the program. Jackson says residents will also be able to tap into a raft of special programs aimed at helping head-of-household mothers and young mothers. Housing Authority, Iron Cross Ministries and One Vision, One Life staff, will lead the programs and mentoring sessions. Jackson says the programs include self-esteem, self-awareness and health and wellness classes. She says the center will serve residents “mentally, physically and spiritually.” The housing authority will go door-to-door in effort to inform residents about the new programs. Jackson says the center will be open to all Housing Authority residents but it is particularly focused on serving the Allegheny Dwellings residents, which she says includes a higher percentage of young, single mothers.

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