Monday, June 7, 2010

Toomey: "More Domestic Oil Drilling, Not Less"

Republican Senate candidate Pat Toomey says the Gulf Coast oil spill is a “huge disaster,” but argues the United States shouldn’t shy away from offshore drilling.
Toomey says a reduction in offshore and domestic drilling would cripple the US economy, and increase dependence on foreign energy.
Going forward, Toomey wants to see more, and not less, domestic oil exploration.

"You know, we choose not to drill in the ANWAR, for instance. In a very obscure, remote part of Alaska that’s sitting on a huge amount of oil, and we don’t touch it. That increases our dependence on foreign oil. And I think that’s a mistake."

In an interview with WDUQ, Toomey said President Obama might have gone too far in declaring a moratorium on offshore drilling in the wake of what’s being labeled the largest environmental disaster in American history.
His opponent, Democrat Joe Sestak, says Toomey is wrong to oppose the drilling moratorium.
Sestak says the Interior Department needs to reestablish standards and safety regulations before drilling resumes.

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