Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3rd Straight Air Quality Action Day in Pittsburgh

With the high temperature forecast for the low 90's, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Southwest PA Air Quality Partnership, have declared an Air Quality Action Day for the Pittsburgh region today. It's a Code Orange day for both ground level ozone and particulate pollution.
***Those with respiratory and heart conditions and the elderly and the very young should limit outdoor activities.***

So for today, expect another sultry, sunny and steamy day to unfold across the region. According to the Air Quality Partnership, the level of stagnation of the past couple of days will continue. There will be very little horizontal and vertical mixing across the area as the overall atmosphere remains stable.
The best chance of some relief from this pattern won't come until the weekend when a cold front passes through.

Here are some Air Quality Action Day tips you can follow to help reduce pollution:

Days when ozone levels are expected to be high:

* Conserve electricity and set your air conditioner at a higher temperature.
* Choose a cleaner commute—share a ride to work or use public transportation. Bicycle or walk to errands when possible.
* Refuel cars and trucks after dusk.
* Combine errands and reduce trips.
* Limit engine idling.
* Use household, workshop, and garden chemicals in ways that keep evaporation to a minimum, or try to delay using them when poor air quality is forecast.

Days when particle pollution levels are expected to be high:

* Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use.
* Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.
* Avoid burning leaves, trash and other materials.

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