Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Corbett Pushes Back on Onorato Over "Jobs Problem"

Speaking at a Cumberland County college, Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Corbett vowed to turn around Pennsylvania’s economy by cutting taxes and trimming state spending.
Referencing Pennsylvania’s 9.2 percent unemployment rate, Corbett said the best way the government can boost job growth is by reining in spending.
The Attorney General argued taxpayers suffer, when state government grows during bad economic periods.

"When you continue spending and the revenues aren’t coming in because the economy’s gone south and Wall Street’s gone south, but you continue to spend, the only place you can go get that revenue is empty out the piggy banks, as I call them – the rainy day fund and so forth. And then you have two options. You either increase taxing, which is not going to stimulate the economy. Or you cut the taxing, and you cut the spending."

After six years of steady growth, state spending has remained relatively stable during the last two years of the Rendell Administration.

Corbett said he understands Pennsylvania has a “jobs problem.” Democrat Dan Onorato has spent the past week-and-a-half blasting Corbett for saying “the jobs are there,” but that some unemployed people are passing up opportunities to continue receiving unemployment checks.
Corbett says his opponent’s PR offensive is wrong.

"I think he’s doing what he’s been doing since the 19th of May. He’s been attacking, attacking, attacking. He’s been negative the entire time. And he hasn’t put out anything positive about what he’s going to do. And I would think that the people of Pennsylvania are looking to see what candidates believe they can do, what they want to do, and what the future of Pennsylvania is going to be."

The Attorney General spoke to a room full of students at Central Penn College in Summerdale. He told them more Pennsylvania colleges need to tailor their curricula around teaching specialized trades, saying that would make graduates better-prepared to find jobs within the state.

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