Friday, July 16, 2010

Flight 93 Victim Honored With Memorial Gamelands

More than 665 acres of gamelands adjacent to Somerset County's Flight 93 National Memorial have been dedicated to Richard Guadagno, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who was killed in the Flight 93 crash of September 11, 2001.

Pennsylvania Game Commission spokesman Tom Fazi says the gamelands will act as a buffer to help prevent unsightly development from building up around the memorial. Fazi says PA Game Commission crews worked over the past few years to acquire the land and convert it from a strip-mined parcel to a beautiful wetland that Guadagno would have loved.

The dedication of the gamelands and a granite memorial stone came during a national conference of wildlife officers, so Guadagno's father had an assembly from many states and Canadian territories honor his son during yesterday's ceremony.

Guadagno was the refuge manager for Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Eureka, California. The visitors' center there has also been named in his honor.

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