Monday, July 19, 2010

"Gaffe"...a Gift to Onorato

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dan Onorato has spent the past week criss-crossing Pennsylvania, blasting Republican nominee Tom Corbett for saying "the jobs are there," but some people would rather remain unemployed.
In the week since Corbett made his comment to DUQ reporter Scott Detrow, Onorato has held press conferences in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Lancaster and Scranton to criticize his Republican opponent.
The Onorato campaign has released a web ad on the issue, and sent out dozens of press releases.
Political scientist Terry Madonna of Franklin and Marshall College says Corbett's big mistake was gift-wrapping an attack line to an opponent he's leading in both the polls and fundraising.

"The overwhelming sentiment among the political community is that Corbett should probably win the governorship. What this event does - this political calculation if you will, this gaffe if you will - is to give Onorato life."

Madonna expects Onorato to keep using the "jobs are there" line through the November election.
Corbett said he was simply relaying what he's heard from business owners, and he understands unemployment is a big issue facing Pennsylvania.

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