Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gaming Board Responds to Treasurer's Suit

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is pushing back against State Treasurer Rob McCord’s demand to be included in executive sessions.
Earlier this year McCord sued the Board for barring him from closed-door sessions.
As Treasurer, McCord is a non-voting member of the oversight panel.
Board attorneys filed a response in Commonwealth Court this week, arguing the Treasurer has a limited role in gaming matters, and his exclusion from executive sessions is “consistent” with that.
Treasury lawyer Christopher Craig says that’s wrong.

"The Gaming Act says that he is a member of the Board. The only restriction the Gaming Act places is he cannot vote. But that means he can voice objections. He can make statements in support. He can make suggestions. He can initiate motions, file resolutions, etc."

A Gaming Control Board spokesman declined to comment on the lawsuit. When McCord initially filed the suit, the Board said he’d be allowed to attend meetings if he signed a confidentiality agreement. Craig says he anticipates Commonwealth Court will hear oral arguments on the matter later this year.
Meantime, table games began operating at the Meadows Racetrack and Casino in Washington County and Pittsburgh Rivers Casino at 6 this morning.

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