Friday, July 23, 2010

Influx of Jobless Benefits Claims Anticipated

Pennsylvania officials are praising the Congressional passage of an extension of unemployment benefits for 2.5 million long-termed jobless individuals.
President Barack Obama quickly signed the legislation after the House approved it Thursday, a day after the Senate gave its okay mostly along party lines.
The measure restores unemployment benefits to people who have been out of work for 6 months or longer. Passage ends a 7 week interruption in benefits that average about $300 a week.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Labor and Industry Sandy Vito says she's relieved by passage of the legislation and it will affect about 200,000 state residents. Vito expects a high volume of claims...."For those who have continued to file their bi-weekly claims, they will receive their benefits by the end of next week. For those who have not yet filed their bi-weekly claims, we need them to do immediately."

Vito says claims can be filed online ( or by calling 1-888-255-4728.

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