Thursday, July 22, 2010

Layoffs at IUP?

Faced with a projected $12 million dollar deficit for 2011-12, Indiana University of Pennsylvania officials are warning the faculty union of potential layoffs.
The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) says the president of IUP union faculty was given an outline of the university's budget for 2011-12 and it included a statement that to eliminate the deficit it might require "the retrenchment (layoffs) of faculty and/or furloughs of management and staff."
APSCUF spokesman Kevin Kodish says potential layoffs have already been brought up at 4 other state owned universities: Kutztown, Mansfield, Millersville and Slippery Rock, the IUP meeting was disheartening because union leadership was told the meeting was not about layoffs.
According to the union, the university document said layoffs "may be unavoidable due to financial considerations, program curtailment, elimination of courses and other reasons."
But Kodish countered that interest in the universities is high..."We're going to have 120,000 students in the fall....another is not the time to cut programs."

Kodish says there is still time to avert layoffs. However, the 14 state-owned universities will have to deal with the end of the federal stimulus funds after this coming school year.

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