Friday, July 2, 2010

More People to Travel this Holiday Weekend

After a record decline in travel over last year's Independence Day weekend, AAA is anticipating a surge this year as people get away for the long weekend. Beverley Powell, a spokesperson for the East Central Region says in 2009 travel dropped 20% nationally, but this year they're expecting an increase of 17% due to a brightening economic outlook and pent up demand last summer's "staycations." Across the country, 34.9 million people will get away for the weekend, including about 1.22 million Pennsylvanians -- 1.08 million of which will be driving to their destination. AAA says on average gas prices should stay around $2.70-$2.80 per gallon, but Powell recommends travelers check the AAA website to find where the cheapest gas is available. She also advises drivers to take to the roads during off hours, especially in the evening and make sure they have directions and alternate routes handy.

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