Thursday, July 29, 2010

No New Taxes...a Pledge or Gimmick

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett is trumpeting his “no tax” pledge on the campaign trail.
Against a backdrop of waterfalls, palm trees and lush vegetation, Corbett told a group of supporters at Longwood Gardens he’s the only candidate who will lower state spending next year.
Corbett says Pennsylvania’s taxes are too high, and the levies are dragging down the state’s economy.

"That’s why I’ve signed a no new tax pledge. I would note, though, that my opponent has not signed that pledge, nor do I think he’s going to sign a tax pledge like that. In fact he has developed, he has implemented the largest single tax increase in the history of Allegheny County."

Corbett is referring to the alcoholic drink tax that helped fund the county’s Port Authority. Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dan Onorato dismisses the “no new taxes” pledge.

"His proposal is simply not real, and he knows it. It’s simply political rhetoric, and it’s a political gimmick."

The next governor will likely face a multi-billion dollar deficit in 2011.
The Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, has said he “doesn’t see how” Corbett could pass a budget without raising new revenues.

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