Friday, July 9, 2010

Non-Profit CEO to Run Ultramarathon for Organization

Dr. Scott Finnell is an ultramarathon runner by hobby and now he's embarking on his most challenging run yet. On Monday at 8 a.m. Pacific Time, he begins a non-stop 135 mile journey that ranges from California's Death Valley where temperatures can reach 130 degrees, to more than 8,000 feet above sea level at Mount Whitney. Runners have 60 hours to complete the course. Finnell says he's been preparing since January and regularly logs 100 miles a week with his training partner. He also says he's been getting some unusual looks lately as they run in winter gear to simulate the temperatures they'll encounter during the Badwater Ultramarathon. He says he's running the race to spread the word about his organization, Pressley Ridge. The nonprofit serves nearly 7,000 kids with emotional, behavioral and developmental disabilities. Finnell says he'll have a lot of time to reflect during the race and when he hits rough patches he'll draw strength from the goals of the kids and the organization. "These kids have experienced situations most of us couldn't even dream about. They've had failures, defeats and heartache and when they come into our program we ask them to try one more time." Finnell says like them, he'll be giving the race his best shot, and regardless of the outcome he'll be better for the experience. The race can be tracked at

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