Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Onorato Not Worried About Gubernatorial Turnover

Pennsylvania Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dan Onorato says he’s not concerned by poll data suggesting voters want to see a change from Governor Rendell’s policies.
This month’s Quinnipiac University poll contained dubious numbers for Democrats.
Incumbent Ed Rendell’s approval rating is at 42 percent, and only 32 percent said they want to see the next governor continue the Rendell Administration’s policies.
Onorato says he’s not worried those voters will gravitate toward Republican Tom Corbett, arguing the GOP is equally at fault for Harrisburg gridlock.

"If Corbett wants to have a debate over Rendell, then he’s going to have a debate over the Republican Senate, that was a partner of what’s happened over the last eight years. He cannot wash his hands of it."

The legislature’s approval rating was just 28 percent in the poll. For the past 56 years, control of the governor’s office has switched parties every two terms.
Onorato says voters don’t care about partisan politics, but just want to see someone turn Pennsylvania’s economy around.
Onorato says any additional “Bonusgate” charges filed by Attorney General Corbett will be suspect, if they come before the November election.

"Any discretionary decision he makes between now and Election Day – and whatever I do as a county executive – will always be viewed through the eyes of, these guys are candidates. It’s much tougher when you’re a prosecutor because you’re always going to be questioned. Why now? Why didn’t you do it earlier? I think he has a real issue with his prosecutions because he’s a candidate."

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