Friday, July 30, 2010

Ridge Consulting For Marcellus Gas Drillers

The Marcellus Shale Coalition, which represents some members of the drilling industry, has signed up former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge. The coalition announced today that the former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary has agreed to service as a strategic adviser. A spokesman says Ridge's communications and policy groups will be paid $75,000 a month for help in such areas as public outreach, education and coalition building.
Ridge says he's pleased to work with the coalition..and that resources must be developed safely and efficiently...."During my term as Governor, we grew our economy by providing incentives for economic growth and always by ‘Growing Greener.’ The development of the Marcellus Shale will benefit all of the citizens of our state, our region, and our nation. Not only can the environmental and economic benefit be transformational for generations to come, our homeland security will be forever strengthened."

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