Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sestak, Toomey Joust Over Deficit

For months now, Republican Senate nominee Pat Toomey has labeled his Democratic opponent, Congressman Joe Sestak, as a big-spending liberal who’s voted to explode the federal government’s deficit.
Now Sestak has tried to turn the tables during an appearance at the Pennsylvania Press Club.
Sestak said by voting for President Bush’s tax cuts and budgets, then Congressman Toomey was “practically pro-deficit.”
In contrast, Sestak framed himself as a fiscal moderate who wants to balance the government’s books.

"I support, and have voted for, pay as you go budgeting, closing wasteful corporate tax loopholes, ending the earmark system, and finding practical bipartisan solutions to reform entitlement spending. However, my opponent has been practically pro-deficit."

Toomey’s campaign manager, Mark Harris says Sestak has a “creative memory.”

"Joe Sestak, who voted for the stimulus, voted for the health care bill, voted for all these things that just have tremendously growth the deficit. For him to try and basically revise history, it’s just laughable."

Sestak defends most of those votes as emergency measures aimed at keeping the economy from sinking into a depression. The government ran a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit during the 2009 fiscal year.

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