Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shoe-Shining All Star

In a pre-game ceremony before tonight’s Major League Baseball’s All Star Game, Albert Lexie will be honored as one of 30 All Stars Among Us for being a person who has served his community in an extraordinary way.

At Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh it seems as if just about everyone knows Albert Lexie.

For nearly thirty years Albert’s been paying regular visits to the hospital to shine shoes. All the tips he’s made in those years has gone to The Free Care Fund at Children’s Hospital– which helps provide services to kids without medical coverage. A dollar here and a dollar there adds up – to over $150,000.

The 68-year-old, developmentally disabled man from Monessen made a shoe-shine box when he was in high school. In 1981, he went to shine shoes at the hospital, liked it –and he kept coming back, traveling two hours each way by bus two days a week.

He’s built up a steady clientele, forged friendships and garnered accolades and attention.

Listen to the full report from DUQ's Erika Beras

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