Monday, August 30, 2010

Blue Green

As part of a nationwide “Blue Green Alliance” tour, a bus full of union members and environmentalists stopped at the United Steel Workers building this morning to urge Senate action on comprehensive clean energy and climate change legislation they say could create up to 78,000 jobs in Pennsylvania alone

Fred Redmond, Vice President of United Steel Workers International says countries like China are taking the lead in green energy and in the new jobs created, yet the Senate went on vacation without passing the comprehensive climate change legislation necessary to jump start the clean energy economy. The House passed a comprehensive bill last year; Redmond is calling on the Senate to take action now so that the green energy jobs created will be good American union jobs.

Redmond says it is estimated the legislation will create over 1.9 million jobs and whole new industries, while making the United States the global leader in green energy technology.

Tom Hoffman of Clean Water Action says “The Job’s Not Done” bus tour calling for clean energy legislation reflects Americans’ needs for a healthy environment and jobs for everyone.

Leon Weeks, a United Steel Workers local vice president from Michigan says jobs will only be saved and created if climate change legislation passes, making green energy competitive. He urges everyone to let senators know it’s important to take action.

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