Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Century Mountain Project

Huang Xiang is one of the greatest poets of 20th century China. He was persecuted and imprisoned in his homeland and found refuge in Pittsburgh as the first writer-in-residence at City of Asylum Pittsburgh. William Rock is a painter and sculptor who has always seen art as an opportunity for dialogue.

Together they have created “The Century Mountain Project”…..combining portraits by William Rock and poetry/calligraphy by Huang Xiang , this is a celebration of “people who have stood out like mountains through the centuries.”

Century Mountain: Expanding Borders, Exploring Humanity will be on exhibition at Robert Morris University’s Pittsburgh Center 600 Fifth Ave. downtown from Sept. 9 through Oct. 14. An opening reception, with the artists, will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 9.

Listen to a longer version of this story here.

Photo courtesy of The Century Mountain Project

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