Tuesday, August 3, 2010

PA Still Waiting on FMAP

A key Washington vote on a federal medical funding bill has been held up until Wednesday.
That’s forcing Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to postpone a decision on budget cuts and layoffs.
With the U.S. Senate poised for a Monday night test vote on the Federal Medical Assistance Program (FMAP), Rendell decided to take a “wait and see” approach, and pushed back a critical meeting about state budget cuts until Wednesday.
But now the Senate vote has been delayed until Wednesday night, so Rendell won’t sit down with legislative leaders until next week.
U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) says he and other Democrats have been making slow, incremental progress on the bill ...

"But around here, progress can mean one vote. Even substantial progress can mean one vote. Because often it comes down to getting a single Republican vote, or two Republican votes."

Casey says he doesn’t know whether Democrats have the 60 votes they need to cut off debate and pass the bill.
Rendell will likely need to slash spending either way, since the latest medical assistance bill would only send about 600 million dollars to Pennsylvania and the budget that was passed 4 weeks ago counts on $850 million.

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