Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School District’s Academic Results Are In

Pittsburgh Public Schools received the positive overall results on the 2010 Pennsylvania System of School Assessments (PSSA), but failed to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
According to a press release from the district, PSSA scores show students have improved in both Reading and Mathematics, receiving proficiency on 10 of 14 exams with more than a 2 percent increase on 8 of 14 exams. They’ve also moved up to the advanced level on 10 of 14 exams, with a 3 or more percent increase on 6 of 14 exams.
Grades 6-8 have showed the most success, achieving proficiency at each grade level on both Reading and Mathematics.

Last year, the District achieved AYP for the first time in history. However, this year, both 3-5 and 6-8 grade spans have failed to achieve that goal. To obtain AYP, both grade spans much make all 18 targets in both Mathematics and Reading. This year, the District met all 18 targets in Mathematics, but failed to meet one target in Reading in 3-5 and 6-8 grade spans. Results show that in both grade groups, the only group to fail the Reading target was students with an Individualized Education Program plan, or special education students. On a positive note, though the District did not make AYP overall, the number of schools that made it increased to 72%, or 43 out of 60 schools.

In the press release, Superintendent Mark Roosevelt says, “Although we are disappointed that the District just missed making AYP, we are very pleased that considerably more of our schools did make it. The progress we are seeing, particularly in grades 6-8, confirms that bold, aggressive change is necessary in order to improve student achievement.”

Grade 11 students’ PSSA results have been low for the past few years, and with campaigns such as Excellence for All, Roosevelt has been aiming to improve those scores. However, at the high school level, 2010 PSSA high school results remain at a standpoint with a 2.4 point increase in Reading and a 0.3 point decrease in Mathematics proficiency, reiterating that changes must be made.

The District plans to provide the Board and public with a full presentation of the 2010 PSSA results at the Board's Education Committee Meeting today, August 17.
To view the complete listing of district-level PSSA results, click here.

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