Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Allegheny County Meeting

When County Executive Dan Onorato submitted his proposed budget for the following year, it was a scaled down budget – and it didn’t take into account his plans for revamping the closed UPMC Braddock Hospital site.

Onorato’s plans for the hospital site are ambitious – the building will be demolished and in its place a mixed-use facility with an expanded urgent care clinic, Community College of Allegheny County facilities and senior housing. The problem – it’s not clear who will pay for the facility.

When he presented his budget last week there was no mention of his plans for Braddock – if anything, the budget was 5.8 million below last years and cuts human services, services at Shuman Detention Center and Juvenile Court Placement.

At an Allegheny County Council meeting on Tuesday, William Russell Robinson, Chairman of The Budget and Finance Committee raised the discussion of the impact of the Braddock Hospital Site Redevelopment on the County Budget. He also posed questions about a memorandum of understanding between the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and The Borough of Braddock that, previous to this week, had not been seen by County members.

The property is deeded to the county. UPMC is paying for the demolition. Asbestos removal has started this week.

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