Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Corbett Maintains Double Digit Lead

When it comes to polls and finances, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett has big leads over Democratic nominee Dan Onorato.
The latest Quinnipiac poll gives Corbett a 15 point lead over Onorato, and a 56-29 advantage among independent voters. Corbett spokesman Kevin Harley attributes the gap to economic issues...
"I think the voters are concerned about jobs. They're concerned about taxes, and they're concerned about state spending....all things that Tom Corbett is on the right side of, and Dan Onorato is on the wrong side of."
Onorato dismisses the latest poll saying it underestimates the number of Democrats who will turn out on Election Day....
"What they did was, they put a very low number for Democratic turnout. That's why the number was significantly different from the poll two days ago. I don't believe the turnout's going to be significantly lower. I think it's going to be pretty normal, compared to every other election year. And in that situation, then, all of a sudden, we win the race."

Financial documents released Tuesday show Corbett raised $6.1 million in the last quarter, while Onorato brought in $4.1 million.

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