Wednesday, September 22, 2010

County Council Gets Budget

The Allegheny County Council received County Executive Dan Onorato’s 2011 Comprehensive Fiscal Plan last night with very little comment. Onorato’s plan rolls back spending and does not include a tax increase. The proposed 2011 operating budget totals $767.7 million, which is $5.8 million less than the 2010 adopted budget. “We’re in the worst economic recession of our times and our residents are faced with the same challenges at home,” said Onorato. “I’m asking all County departments to live within the 2010 budget for another year.” Many of the cuts come as federal and state pass-through funding tumbles. The Capital Budget will account for $112.7 million of the $767.7 million budget, including $62.5 million for County roads and bridges, and $13.8 million for building improvements. Council will hold hearings in the budget in the coming weeks.

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