Thursday, September 30, 2010

Humane Society to Start Adopting Out Animals at $10

Anyone looking to adopt a new pet will be able to while only paying $10 during the month of October. The Western Pennsylvania Humane Society will start adopting out animals to families for that nominal amount which will cover the animal's spaying, neutering, vaccinations, and microchip.

The Humane Society started the program as part of a nation-wide competition in which 50 animal shelters would compete for a $100,000 grant from the ASPCA. So far the Humane Society has placed 1,056 animals out of their October 31st goal of 2000.

To meet that challenge, the Humane Society is recommending that Pittsburgh area residents go to their North Shore Shelter or Fallen Timber Shelter to adopt. Families also may go online to adopt at where they can see a list of the animals that are up for adoption to homes or sponsor animals for adoption.

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