Friday, September 17, 2010

Library Budget and Service Issues to be Debated

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is holding its third and final round of meetings to gather public input on the future of the library. Budget woes have forced the library to cut hours, reduce staff and eliminate some neighborhood outreach. Staff is now looking for the public’s help in identifying new revenue sources and prioritizing services. The library will hold four meetings this weekend into Monday. Saturday 10am-noon at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Saturday 2p-4p at the Providence Family Support Center, Sunday 2p-4p at the Squirrel Hill branch, and Monday 6p-8p at the Downtown & Business branch. The meetings will open with a synopsis of the last two rounds of meetings and then attendees will break into small groups to discus the issues. Library spokesperson Trina walker says the information gathered at the meetings will be taken back to the board and debated at its October meeting. Details from previous meetings and a discussion guide can be found on the Carnegie Library's webpage.

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