Monday, September 20, 2010

PA Company Wants Terror-Alerts Off of Web

The co-director of the company that was contracted by the state and provided the Pennsylvania Homeland Security Office with security alerts has sent a memo warning that posting the unredacted bulletins on the Internet has increased threats to potential targets in Pennsylvania amd to students studying abroad. The memo, which was obtained by the Associated Press, comes from Michael Perelman of the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response. It urges State Homeland Security Director James Powers to remove the information from the Internet until any material that would be useful to those intending harm is removed. Perelman confirmed the contents of the memo but told A.P. he did not authorize its distribution. The bulletins posted Friday night drew protests after revelations that some of the alerts concerned opponents of gas drilling, and others spotlighted events such as an anti-BP candlelight vigil and a gay and lesbian festival.

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