Friday, September 10, 2010

Rendell: Nothing Left to Cut

Governor Ed Rendell says both men running to take his place are wrong in promising not to raise taxes once they take office.
Pennsylvania Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett has pledged not to raise taxes, if he becomes governor.
His opponent, Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato, wants to impose a natural gas severance tax, but says aside from that levy, he wouldn’t raise taxes either.
Rendell says the next governor won’t have a choice in the matter.

"People aren’t dumb. They know we’re losing three billion dollars in stimulus money. They know the pension costs are going to explode next year unless the Senate does something to pass the bill that the House and I have agreed upon. They know that."

The governor insists there’s nothing left in the budget to cut, after two years of lower-than expected tax revenue. He suggests the candidates tell voters they’ll do their best to keep costs in line, but not to make any blanket promises.

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