Thursday, September 2, 2010

September is National Preparedness Month

Governor Ed Rendell has declared September “National Preparedness Month” in Pennsylvania, in light of the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Director Robert French says families should create emergency kits and plans. French says each family’s kit and plan will be different, according to particular circumstances like medical conditions or pets.

The PEMA chief says floods, snowstorms and fires are the most common disasters in this region.

“The truth is, though, that if you can do those, you can go ahead and plan for a whole host of other things, like man-made or natural disaster events.”

French says families should be able to survive for 72 hours while waiting for emergency responders to help. He says parents should help neighbors out or volunteer with local emergency crews if they want to expand their preparedness to a community scope.

PEMA has posted a website to help Pennsylvanians create emergency kits and disaster plans.

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