Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WPDI to Hold Event on Diversity in the Workforce

The Western Pennsylvania Diversity Initiative (WPDI) will hold a symposium in Pittsburgh Wednesday to talk about retaining a diverse workforce in today’s economy.
WPDI President Neal Holmes says New Jersey consultant Tiffany Taylor Smith will discuss how to retain a diverse workforce with today’s unstable economy.
Holmes says Smith will touch on points such as cross collaboration, interpersonal and group relations, networking, mentoring, and engaging more of the Pittsburgh workforce to build on maintaining its diversity.
Holmes says diversity is always at the forefront in any workforce, and is certainly an concern in Pittsburgh. “In today’s society, I think more so than ever, given the political and economical climate, it’s important to have these conversations so employers know what they need to bring not only to their workforce environment, but to the community itself.”
Holmes says the presentation will involve interactions between audience members and speakers so that individuals can have the opportunity to hear different perspectives from different work genres.
The event will be from 8:30 to 10:30 am in room 920 of the City-County building. Holmes says members and non-members can attend for free by signing up on the website, wpdiversity.org.

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