Friday, October 8, 2010

Cops to Crack Down on South Side Parking Violators

The Pittsburgh Police have been receiving complaints from the fire department, police department, residents and others about the many parking violations in South Side. And this weekend, there will be additional officers in the area handing out parking citations and/or towing any vehicle parked illegally.
Zone 6 Commander Scott Schubert says they've done this before, and believe it is an effective technique to stop people from making parking violations. “We don’t want to have to tag or tow people…but at some point there has to be the enforcement side.” He says when a person returns to their car to either find a ticket or that it’s been towed, they might think twice about parking illegally next time.
Schubert says any cars blocking driveways, fire hydrants, handicap entrances, or sticking out into an intersection will be given a ticket and/or towed. Schubert says the police department wants people to come down and have a good time on the South Side, but that when doing so, they need to be sure that their car is not impairing public safety. “If they are, they need to know that they’re going to be tagged, potentially towed, and they have to be accountable for their actions.”

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