Monday, October 11, 2010

Kraus: Resolve South Side Nightlife Problems

Pittsburgh Councilman Bruce Kraus brought together public safety officials and hospitality experts for a discussion of the night life in the South Side.

Kraus hopes Council will create a plan to resolve issues with parking, crime, and public drunkenness in a district that includes a large amount of liquor licensees.

One such effort was a “no tolerance” enforcement of parking violations during the past weekend. But Daniel O’Hara, President of the Pittsburgh Fraternal Order of Police, says he thinks that such a policy is a mistake. O’Hara says only serious parking violations should be enforced when other illegal activity is happening.

O’Hara suggested that bar owners contribute to a fund that would hire off-duty officers to patrol East Carson Street during weekend nights.

President Jim Peters of the Responsible Hospitality Institute says the city must make all hospitality zones welcoming to all ages of people. Peters says creating a city office for night life might be a step in the right direction.

Representatives of student governments across Pittsburgh pledged their support for Kraus’ plan to increase night life safety, as did the Pittsburgh Council for Higher Education.

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